5th Fair Trade International Symposium 2015

Politecnico di Milano

May 29, 2015 – May 31, 2015

Part of the Fair Trade Week 2015. The FTIS 2015 will also be organized in parallel with Expo, Milano 2015, Feeding the Planet: Energy for Life.

The 5th Fair Trade International Symposium 2015, ‘Critically Developing the Fair Trade Movement: Trade justice in food, fashion and craft’, will develop critical analysis of the international Fair Trade movement in a number of key contexts.

The conference is aimed at academics and practitioners to exchange knowledge and research in the field of Fair Trade and SCP

The first two days will be organized around the presentation of papers

1. Critical Perspectives on Fair Trade Governance and Certification Approaches.
2. What Changes Do Fair Trade Practices Bring About in Production and Trade?
3. What is the Relationship between Consumers and Fair Trade Practices.
4. Fair Trade Business, Networks, Organisations and Places.
5. The Role of Appropriate Technology in the Fair Trade Movement and in agriculture innovation with particular focus on climate change mitigation and adaptation measures.
6. Cross Cutting Theme: Methodological Innovations and Approaches.

For more information and registration https://www.eko.polimi.it/index.php/FTIS2015/FTIS2015

The third morning will be held inside Expo 15 http://www.expo2015.org/en/index.html?packedargs=op=changeLang