Although a popular concept in the West, few Asian cities have sought . Taipei, Taiwan’s capital city, will be the third Asian city to apply, joining Seoul, Korea, and Kumamoto City, Japan. According to Fair Trade Towns, a city must meet five requirements to qualify:

  1. Local council passes a resolution supporting Fair Trade, and agrees to serve Fair Trade products (for example, in meetings, offices and canteens).
  2. A range of Fair Trade products are available locally (targets vary from country to country)
  3. Schools, workplaces, places of worship and community organisations support Fair Trade and use Fair Trade products whenever possible
  4. Media coverage and events raise awareness and understanding of Fair Trade across the community.
  5. A Fair Trade steering group representing different sectors is formed to co-ordinate action around the goals and develop them over the years.

Read more about Taipei’s effort here.

To learn more about Fair Trade cities and towns, visit