The World Fair Trade Organization Guarantee System (WFTO GS) is the way to guarantee the whole Organization is Fair Trade, rather than just certifying one commodity or specific product.
The GS is a closed system, only available to WFTO members. It is now mandatory for all members, whether or not they wish to use the WFTO Product Label on their products. All members are equally responsible for the reputation of the GS. As such, the GS needs to be inclusive enough to ensure good dedicated Fair Trade Organizations can meet the standard regardless of their language, location or stage of development, yet rigorous enough to ensure all members truly comply with the The Standard.
The development of the Guarantee System (GS) was agreed on in 2011 at the WFTO AGM in Mombasa. This new system, developed by and for members, guarantees the Fair Trade credentials of members while being credible yet affordable, especially for small producers.
All members who are renewing their membership and all new applicants are going through the GS.
To better understand the process of the GS, please click through to the membership process tab here.
Once the Fair Trade Organization has successfully completed the GS membership and monitoring requirements, they have the benefit of being called Guaranteed and can put their organizational name on their products, if they chose to do so.