The World Fair Trade Week 2015 (2015 WFTW). This event, organized by WFTO and Agices (the Italian Fair Trade national platform) will be held in Milan, Italy from the 23rd to 31st of May 2015, in parallel to the Milan 2015 World EXPO. The main aim is to promote WFTO and Fair Trade as well as to convey the Fair Trade Organization identity and message on an international level.

For any further information please have a look at the official: or please visit the google site for the original documents:

fair trade week milan

The 2015 WFTW Program will include:

  • The 13th WFTO Global Biennial Conference/AGM
  • A Fair Trade Fashion Show
  • “Fair Cooking” events
  • The Mohammed Islam Design Award
  • Public meetings and conferences
  • The World Fair Trade Exhibition
  • The Fair Trade International Symposium


WFTO GLOBAL CONFERENCE/AGM (24th – 27th May 2015)

Please bear in mind that registration is open until the end of February 2015, or until the end of April 2015 but with a late fee (please refer to Global for any further information).

WORLD FAIR TRADE EXHIBITION (28th – 31st May 2015)

milan fair cityThe first World Fair Trade Fair will be held in the prestigious location of the “Fabbrica del Vapore” (Steam Factory). Two-Hundred exhibitors are expected from all over the world, from Fair Trade food and crafts to the so-called “domestic Fair Trade”, from international cooperation to the solidarity economy, with the possibility not only of buying products and living direct experiences with Fair Trade’s producers. The first day will be dedicated to operators, practitioners, journalists in a “B2B way”; from Friday to Sunday the Fair will be open to the public (entrance free). The organizers expect to welcome about 50,000 visitors.

Why not be there? Information regarding rules, participation and organization details are in:



Critically Developing the Fair Trade Movement: Trade justice in food, fashion and craft


FTS 2015Following the previous Fair Trade International Symposiums (FTIS – Montreal 2002 and 2006, Montpellier 2008, Liverpool 2012), the FTIS International Steering Committee – led by the Milan Politecnico University – is now organizing the 5th event in Milan. The main aim is to facilitate a close working relationship between researchers, policy makers and practitioners. The FTIS 2015 will be dedicated to the theme “Critically Developing the Fair Trade Movement: Trade justice in food, fashion and craft”, in connection with the themes of the Milan EXPO 2015.


The 6 broad themes of the FTIS 2015 will be:

  1. Critical Perspectives on Fair Trade Governance and Certification Approaches
  2. What Changes Do Fair Trade Practices Bring About in Production and Trade?
  3. What is the Relationship between Consumers and Fair Trade Practices?
  4. Fair Trade Business, Networks, Organizations and Places
  5. The Role of Appropriate Technology in the Fair Trade Movement and in agriculture innovation with particular focus on climate change mitigation and adaptation measures
  6. Cross Cutting Theme: Methodological Innovations