WFTO welcomes applications from established Fair Trade Organisations as well as organisations that support Fair Trade. Individuals in their capacity as researchers, writers, consultants and specialists in their field who can contribute solid skills, knowledge and expertise to WFTO and members are also welcome.

Initial requirements for organisations: 

  1. Compliance with the WFTO 10 Principles of Fair Trade. Please have a look at the WFTO Fair Trade Standard for more specific information on compliance with these principles.
  2. All applicant organisations must already be duly registered (as a legal entity) and active for at least 2 years.

Membership is open to:

Fair Trade Organisations (FTO) 
All companies, partnerships, co-partnerships and other legal bodies – as determined by the legal provisions of the country of the member concerned – that are directly engaged in Fair Trade. They may be producers, northern or southern based trading FTOs for whom Fair Trade is the main activity. To qualify for FTO membership, income from sales (turnover) must account for 50% or more of the total income. Applications for FTO membership cannot be accepted from organisations with no prior sales history.

Fair Trade Networks (FTN)
Legal entities whose primary function is to serve as national or international associations of Fair Trade producers and/or Fair Trade Organisations.

Fair Trade Support Organisations (FTSO)
Fair Trade Organisations where trading is not the main activity (proportion of trade is less than 50% of total income). These organisations are engaged in Fair Trade indirectly, through activities that promote and support Fair Trade. These activities can include business counselling, finance, advocacy or networking.

Associate Organisations 
This is a special category for national or international organisations that are interested in supporting and promoting Fair Trade, including donor organisations. Organisations that do not meet the two-year legal existence requirement also fit in this group.

Individual Associates 
Individual researchers, writers, consultants and specialists in their field that can support WFTO. WFTO expects its individual associates to be active Fair Trade supporters whose experience and expertise in their own particular field can be of practical benefit to WFTO’s members. To apply, please submit a curriculum vitae.

While FTO, FTN and FTSO are entitled to full WFTO membership, organizational and individual associates have only limited rights.

Apply now!