Radio Program: Fair Trade and WFTO Asia as driving force towards Sustainable Development in Thailand and the Asia region

 Asia is now one of the most dynamic regions in the world, yet it is at a crucial stage of development with over 700 million people in Asia still living below the international poverty line. We are faced with the huge challenge of growing the economy and improving people’s livelihood and in achieving a strong, sustainable and balanced growth. And we believe that Fair Trade is the key.

Tune in at Sawasdee Chiang Mai Radio Show 93.25 FM as leaders of WFTO Asia  discuss about WFTO Asia’s roles and contribution in advancing Fair Trade as a significant tool in poverty alleviation, gender equality, and responsible production and consumption within the supply chains.

Follow this LINK to listen to segment LIVE on FM93.25

Air Date: Friday, May 19th at 7:30PM (GMT+7)