In honor of Anti-Poverty Week 2015, WFTO-Asia asked their members about what freedom from poverty means to them. What does freedom from poverty means to you?
“Poverty is our burden, freedom and opportunities our motivation!” – BaSE“Freedom from poverty means I can live my life with respect and I can earn my own living.” – Mahaguthi“Freedom from poverty means being able to send children to school, put food on the table, and have a roof over our heads.” – Sabala Handicrafts“For me, freedom from poverty means, the right to live my own life with dignity.” – SETU“Freedom from poverty means we can choose to marry later.” – Pebble“Freedom from poverty means I have received the payment in a fair price.” – Lombok Pottery Centre“Freedom from poverty means having the economic solvency to be able to afford at least basic family needs, which include meals, clothing, housing, and children’s education.” – Prokritee“Freedom from poverty means the ability to choose, to have options, to work towards a goal. It means dignity, hope for the future and protection from exploitation. Freedom from poverty brings freedom in its fullest sense.” – Freeset
“Freedom from poverty means that I can decide and make a decent and sustainable life with my own honest work through Fair Trade.” – Shilpa Trust“Freedom from poverty means weaving is part of our main family income and a great help to support our children and grandchildren’s education.” – Thai Tribal Craft“Freedom from poverty means liberating artisans from the bondage of poverty, deprivation, gender exploitation and all other social evils.” – Craft Resource Center
“Freedom from poverty means you are able to eat twice a day, you are able to send your children to school, you have savings to spend in times of emergency, and you are able to give help to others.” – CCAP“Freedom from poverty means being part of society once again and regaining lost pride.” – New Sadle“Freedom from poverty means to live my life with a big smile.” – KFTO“Freedom from poverty means fairness, justice, and love of the world.” – TWINE“Freedom from poverty means a transition from deprivation into a sustainable livelihood.” – Artisan Well
“Freedom from poverty means no loan in the bank and I’m able to pay for my cultural responsibilities.” – Mitra Bali“Freedom from poverty means being an orphan at the age of 11, then standing on virtual feet and jumping ahead to fight all odds to touch the sky.” – CORR – The Jute Works
Image credit: BaSE, Mahaguthi, Prokritee, Hathay Bunano, SETU, CORR The Jute Works, Thai Tribal Crafts, Lombok Pottery Centre, CRC, FreeSet, Sabala Handicrafts, KFTO, TWINE, Mitra Bali, CCAP, Shilpa Trust, NEW SADLE.
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